Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

I receive the error "Invaid floating decimal operation" during the PDF to Word conversion. What can I do?

Answer: This error occurs rarely, but in this case change the conversion mode of the PDF to Word converter from the default setting Automatic conversion mode (Default) to a user-defined mode!

In this case, it is best that you use the User-defined conversion with tabs. After changing the conversion mode, try again with the PDF to Word conversion. If necessary, you should add additional setting options in the Professional Settings tab if a problem arises again. You can try to specify the Extraction Options again, in order to exclude the incompatible content of the PDF document from the conversion process for the PDF to Word conversion. Additionally, please mail contact us directly.

I receive the error "Cannot create output file" during the PDF to Word conversion. What can I do?

Answer: This error occurs, when PDF to Word Converter automatically attempted to open Word, OpenOffice or LibreOffice after the conversion run ends! Be sure, that your prefered office application isn't running. Close the office suite and try again. This should fix the problem.

Unwanted spaces are shown between paragraphs in the Word document generated. What settings can I use to avoid this?

Answer: Set the conversion mode in this case to Reformat Document (Reflow the document) and try again.